click here please!
Reefs die every day as we go about our daily lives, oblivious. Time is not something we can recycle, no matter how far science progresses.
Let's start saving them today.
Bloggers like us.
Hi everyone! Today I found some blogs just like ours, and bloggers with the same purpose: to save the coral reefs. Here are some that I like:
Well, there really is a long list. I could keep on going till next year. There are many other blogs out there in the world about saving our environment for future generations, and for ourselves. That just goes to show that we should start paying attention to them.
So c'mon, jump on the bandwagon, and follow us, to a brighter,
greener future!
Monday, September 8, 2008
posted by rachel at
We'll give you a break from all that we're saying now and let you have a taste of what some people have said before. You may or may not recognize them, but the main point is that you understand what they're trying to say, and recognize these words of wisdom as true and important.
" We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
- Native American proverb
"One person can make all the difference in the world. For the first time in history, we have the fate of the whole planet in our hands."
- Chrissie Hynde, musician
And, when a cosmonaut (as in, a Russian astronaut, if we're not mistaken) went up in space, he said:
"I see Earth. It is so beautiful."
Saturday, September 6, 2008
posted by Sammy-Rae at
Animals. Wonderful, innocent beings, they are. As they go about in their daily lives, not intending to cause any destruction, they are oblivious to the dangers they face. They try to adjust as much as possible to the warming temperatures, not even knowing why such things are happening.
Do you think those innocent creatures deserve this?
Most of the things that have happened on the Earth have happened for the sake of human beings. Inventions, Constructions, everything. Even nature reserves and animal shelters are indirectly for the comfort of humans, so we can experience the beauty of nature.
So much has happened, but still one question ponders in my head: Why? Why on earth are we doing all this to the poor animals? Don't we realize the consequences of our actions? Why must we be so cruel?
posted by Anki M at
Save the Earth!
When was the last time you used that car? When was the last time you threw away that perfectly good piece of paper? When was it that you bought that cool looking toy, but had to throw it away because you didn't really need it? When was the last time you turned on that light, and left it switched on even when you didn't need it?
You probably didn't realize the consequences when you did all that, but now I'm going to tell you. Pollution. Rise in temperature. Extreme Greenhouse Effect. Increase in amount of Carbon Dioxide. Depletion of Ozone Layer. Global Warming. Death.
Now do you get the big picture? Now do you realize why we've been lecturing you? All of us, when we did all those irresponsible things, have caused death one way or another. We can't reverse that, but we can start playing our part now. If we work together, we can do it!
posted by Anki M at
Plastic Soup?
Ever had soup? Okay, let me rephrase that. Ever had
plastic soup? No, of course not. But sadly, the Pacific Ocean is being turned into one. Hold on a second. What exactly am I talking about? The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Some other names for that are: Plastic Soup, Pacific Trash Vortex, Eastern Pacific Patch.
Imagine having to live in a pile of rubbish, that stench intruding your nostrils everysingle day, that sight of rubbish floating around you, making you want to puke. Everyday.
Of course, you might say: Don't be stupid, that's never going to happen! Oh, but it
is happening. As we litter in the water everyday, pollute the water, do we realize that we are actually causing millions of deaths of animals, not only in the Pacific Ocean, but in oceans and reefs all over the world? We might not have known, but now that we do, will we make an effort to stop? Okay, I know its not easy, but hey, if a group of 12 year olds can do it, why not you?
posted by Anki M at
It all boils down...
With global warming and rising sea temperatures, the reefs are in hot soup - literally. And it all boils down to how much we want them to continue their survival on Earth. Just that.
Everybody always says, "Where there's a will, there's a way." As long as we have the will to do this, there's a way - or many ways too. Can't you realize that we're all in the same boat here? And if the water continues to get choppier, more erratic (e.g. with El Nino!) it's going to capsize.
If everyone would get into the spirit of teamwork, we'd be able to do this quicker. So don't always be thinking, "Since everyone
else is trying already, we don't have to put in too much effort." No way.
Realize NOW that there's no other way. Either we work together or we lose one of Nature's most majestic creations.
Resplendent with pulsating life, these reefs are part of our heritage as inhabitants and
protectors of Earth. How can you not save them, and conserve?
posted by Sammy-Rae at
Cries For Help
If you've read our post in the 'What Dilemma?' section of this blog, you'll be wondering, "What are these people talking about? Reefs can't talk!" Well, probably you'll be thinking that.
Let us tell you this now: reefs cry for help by bleaching, in a way. They're telling you in their own way that they're being harmed and ought to be saved. If you want to take it a little deeper, it's like they're waving the white flag of surrender and asking humans to save them.
If we don't start saving the reefs, more will be harmed. The more time is wasted, the less we have left. And if we don't start acting and taking small first steps, the white flag they'll be waving won't be of asking for help. Eventually, it'd be more like, "We give in, we're not going to fight for life anymore."
Think about it.
posted by Sammy-Rae at
Okay... how did that title get here?
If you're wondering why I'm suddenly talking about ERP on a 'Save the Reefs' blog, then I'm gonna have to borrow your attention for a while.
Driving cars → Carbon Emissions → Global Warming → Reefs affected
Increased number of vehicles on the road
More frequent traffic jams
And here's where ERP comes in
ERP, also known as
Electronic Road Pricing, was introduced to control the traffic. Because as we all know, traffic jams are just a waste of time and also fuel.
Have you ever considered how traffic affects the environment?
Maybe not, because you were too busy thinking how you'd be late for work, or school, or a movie.
But now that you've got time, just think about it. All the while as you are waiting for the green light to turn on, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide is emitted into the air... from
EVERY CAR (and that's alot, mind you)! Imagine how much carbon dioxide is emitted every time you are stuck in a traffic jam. Imagine how much heat is trapped at that very moment! The sea temperature could have risen by almost a degree, resulting in many more lives lost just because you decided to join the gang and take your car!
Personally, I think that cars are good inventions, but also one of the worst.
Because many people prefer comfort to public transport, there are many, MANY,
MANY cars on the roads all over the world.
So imagine how many traffic jams there are
every minute.
Imagine how much greenhouse gas is emitted.
Imagine how many lives are lost.
So the Government introduces ERP to control the traffic. And I say: give us more.
You must be thinking: "You're just a girl, you don't have to pay the ERP, you don't experience the pain of losing money for nothing!"
But it isn't nothing! In fact, ERP has been successful in getting some drivers to ditch that menace of a car and take the public transport. ERP has been successful in controlling the traffic on some major roads.
In this world now, we have to make a choice:
1. Take the car:
a) Pay ERP and reduce carbon dioxide emitted
b) Take other roads that are congested, resulting in traffic jams and more time wasted,
and carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide emitted, causing global warming to accelerate, killing thousands of animals
2. Take public transport and...
Save time, save money, save fuel, save lives.
So why not make the right one?
I say: If ERP can make us quit driving that car, then put more!
We have to make a sacrifice here if we want to continue living in harmony with ourselves and the environment. We cannot be so selfish.
Make the right choice
posted by rachel at
Get a move on!
So you wanna know what else you can do to save the reefs?
I've got a great solution, and this time, you can kill two birds with one stone! (it's a saying...
please don't really kill two birds!)
That is: EXERCISE!
Play games outside. Do some skipping. Lift those weights. Soon, you'll be on your way to an energy-efficient
and healthy life. Don't coop yourself up indoors in front of the computer all day. Get out and get moving!
Some games I like to play include:
1. Hide and seek
The more the merrier. It's fun and thrilling to me and my family, so it could be to yours!
2. Running and chasing
It seem kiddish, but isn't it great that you can save electricity and also run faster? (Don't forget to do this outdoors. It'd be horrible if you knocked over Mum's favourite vase)
3. Teddy bear (skipping)
My sisters and I have some kind of competition between ourselves to see who can stay in the game the longest (and I'm still winning! Hee hee hee...)
4. Bouncy ball
Grab two bouncy balls and a friend or sister or brother and bounce the balls to each other. See how long you two can go without losing the ball! If you're alone, see how long you can continue to bounce the ball without stopping. (They should really make this an Olympic sport!)
5. Ribbons
My sisters and I would always take long length of ribbons, stick them to bamboo skewers and do various things with the ribbons (like in Rhythmic Gym), then throw the ribbons to each other. We'd be occupied for
Of course, play your own games, and keep occupied.
Like I said, you'd be killing two birds with one stone! (Not literally. NOT LITERALLY!)
You'll feel better physically and mentally!
So get out and get a move on!
posted by rachel at
Quiz: What are we doing?

Hey everyone! I know that you're bored of our lecturing, so I've created a super easy quiz to see whether you've been paying attention.
More quizzes coming soon!
posted by rachel at
Play your part!
Well, I'm sure everyone who has seen this blog would have gotten the message the we have to save the Earth by now. But the question is: How? There are lots of ways we can help out. Even simple things that we do in our daily lives count.
1. NEVER litter in the water
2. Don't waste water
3. Reuse, Reduce & Recycle
4. Instead of accumulating so much rubbish, make them into new, useful stuff
5. Reduce the use of that car!
6. Take public transport more often
7. Don't buy stuff that you won't need and will probably end up throwing them away
8. Start spreading the message
9. Save electricity!
If some people can do it, why not the rest of us? Do the right thing today!
Friday, September 5, 2008
posted by Anki M at
Why should we care?
Coral Reefs. An intrinsic part of our lives. Home to thousands of animals. These breathtaking beauties would take thousands of years to reform once destroyed.
But why should humans care?
Of course, corals are not something human beings talk about everyday, not something that concerns them, or something they notice everyday, so WHY should they care?
Picture this: You are swimming among thousands of colourful fish. Around you, different corals fascinate you until you find it immensly difficult to peel your eyes off this breathtaking sight, wondering how on earth something could be so stunningly beautiful. You never want to leave this magnificent place, with its blinding colours and crystal clear water.
Now picture this: You are back at the same place. You had been excited to experience the same beauty of coral reefs, but your heart drops at the sight that greets you. The once bright surroundings now lies dead and gloomy. The colourful corals are gone, leaving behind white, bleached ones. A white blanket of death has been laid out on the reef. An eerie glow has been cast about the place, especially since not a single living being, other than yourself, is in sight. A lump forms in your throat, but what you don't realize is that this was partly your fault.
Can you imagine being responsible for so much destruction? Doesn't it make you sick to think that you have indirectly claimed thousands of lives? Sure, they may not be human lives, but still! There is more to the Earth than humans only!
All that is happening will continue to happen, unless we take action. Humans are supposedly more intelligent than animals. But I don't think we are putting that intelligence to good use if we sit doing nothing all day while so much destruction is happening. We have to do something. We have to do it now!
posted by Anki M at
The Great Barrier Reef
The epitome of beauty, the Great Barrier Reef of Australia is probably the most popular, well-known and also largest coral reef in the world. Famous for its crystal clear waters and a great variety of species that live in its prisine waters, the Great Barrier reef is the ultimate tourist destination.
But even such beauty will not be spared.
Corals are part of a large system that works interdependantly to survive. The corals depend on a specific species of algae to clear wastes and keep them alive. But recently, due to warmer sea temperatures, the algae are driven away. When they leave the corals, bleaching occurs, and the corals turn to a ghostly white. Usually, when algae is re-introduced, the corals can be saved, but this is rarely the case, and when bleaching is prolonged, the corals die.
This is what is happening to coral reefs all over the world, including the magnificent Great Barrier Reef.
The sad, hard truth is, unless we do something NOW, our children, maybe even ourselves, will not get to experience the beauty of coral reefs, of nature, and of life.
That's why environmentalists are so worried. That's why there are competitions about climate change: to spread the word about this impending disaster that is waiting to unravel and devour us ALL. We need to realise the huge impact of our actions on our dear Mother Earth. Even the scientists are worried that we will not hold out for much longer. I may sound far-fetched, but the reality of it is: Global Warming is true. Don't try to deny it. Face the facts, and instead of sitting back and watching the Earth fall into the hands of doom, do something about it! You'll be saving much more lives than you know.
Life will have lost its meaning if we don't take action.
Today, I saved electricity by switching off every light I came across that was not in use.
What will you do?
posted by rachel at
Ditch that car, hop on a money saver!
So when was the last time you took the car? A week ago? A few days ago? Yesterday?
Well then, you are making the wrong choice.
Money, as you all know very well, is important. People can't seem to get enough of it. You just can't seem to earn enough of it. If you can't earn, then save!
There are many ways to save money. Cut down on your phone bill. Cut down on extravagent meals and excessive spending. Cut down on grocery bills. Better yet, ditch your car!
Okay, I may sound a little crazy, but there's a little truth to that. Stop using the car; it's just consuming more fuel and energy than needed, and hurting your pocket!
Instead of the car, hop on a money saver, a.k.a. public transport. Sure, it's much less comfortable, and besides that, it's not as convinient. But in the long run, you're helping yourself and the reefs, much more than you know it.
Soon, you'd have saved up enough to buy millions of books, lots of scrumptious meals, tons of chocolate, or even a lot of money to donate to charity and save even more lives. Isn't that kinda life much more fulfilling than when you took the car?
So take my advice. Ditch your car, save some fuel, and your money, and it's a better life for everyone!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
posted by rachel at
Are we trying hard enough?
Many people, to this day do not understand what reefs face every day as they live sheltered from their truth, which is eternally enshrouded by a facade. Reefs, in fact, face a lot of dangers to their existence. Every few years, El Nino blasts them mercilessly and the heat is continuously turned up.
Reefs, an intrinsic part of the world we live in, are being destroyed. However, the situation is not as bad as beyond hope.. yet. We can still help them. The question I want to ask is, are we trying hard enough?
The reason these precious things are dying is, we all hide behind that facade of safety after realizing the importance of the matter. We don't care enough.
Are we trying hard enough? No. We're not.
posted by Sammy-Rae at
One Reef Destroyed, Thousands of Animals Killed...
I lie on the deserted seabed, my body throbbing in intense pain. I am possibly the only fish left. The pain in my body is growing slowly harsher and more relentless. Unbearable pain shoots through my body yet again. My fins are growing numb. I feel like all the oxygen is being sucked out from my entire being. A wave of immense hurt flows through my mind. How could the humans have been so ruthless? Immediately images of the past start to form in my mind and I try to recall them, knowing that my death is imminent, and that I am taking my last breaths...
[Two years back...]
It was a bright morning at the Great Barrier Reef. Different schools of fish greeted me as I swam through the vibrant and colourful corals, shining and pulsating with life. My heart lifted at the sight of the beautiful reefs, the bright colours nearly blinding me. It was a breathtaking sight, and even after seeing it countless times, I would never get bored of this magnificent place. I wondered how on earth I would survive without this stunning beauty, which was my home. Little did I know, that I would have to. Very soon.
[One hour ago...]
I pushed myself forward with my fins, swimming as hard as I could. I had to keep up with my group. We had to move to another home. My heart pounded wildly in dread as I try to keep up with millions of escaping fish. Around me, the once lively corals now lie dead, dull and gloomy. A white blanket of death has been laid out on the entire reef and an eerie glow has been cast about the place. I shuddered and my heart dropped as I realised that the others had moved on. I swam furiously to join the mad rush once again. We were all devastated to have to leave our beloved reefs. And not one of us even knew why our home had died so suddenly. It was all a mystery. Immediately, a picture of a human in an odd suit floated up in my mind. Realization struck hard. The humans had done something to our home! A mad burst of rage shook me and I was startled by a strong current, which pushed me back several metres, separating me from the rest of the fish. My tiny heart pounded against my skeleton as yet another strong current pudhed me back. I pushed my fins and tail as hard as possible, but I knew it was of no use. It was over for me. A wave of panic engulfed me. It was over.
My thoughts whirl back to the present. I gasp and choke, shuddering and flipping. In my mind, I wish that the humans would care about us more. They were too selfish. Pain tears through my body once again. It had ended all too soon. I needed more time. I did not want to die. No one did. But apparently, that was not in our hands anymore. It was all up to the humans if they cared or not. I try to somehow 'send a message' to my dear mother, to tell her that I love her, and to the humans, to tell them that I would forgive them. With that, I start to relax, knowing my time has come. With one last shudder, I feel myself floating upwards to the surface of the water and all the feeling in my body slowly leaves me...
posted by Anki M at
Better Alternatives
So how should we do our part to save the coral reefs all over the world?
I'm sure you know that Global Warming is a major cause of coral bleaching. And what causes global warming?
Every day, we consume and consume so much energy and electricity. From things like driving a car to switching on a light, we are all using energy. The bad thing is, carbon dioxide (a major
greenhouse gas) is emitted every time we switch something on. Greenhouse gases trap heat, which results in climate change, a.k.a. Global Warming!
Thing is, if we stop Global Warming, we can save the reefs! Literally, it's the only way to help the majority of reefs.
Let's take some time, just a little bit more time, to think about how we can reduce our carbon footprint. Instead of consuming more, let's reduce!
Start with recycling, for example. Recycling things like paper and cardboard will emit less carbon dioxide than making new paper and cardboard. In addition, paper that is recycled won't have to go into on of the million landfills on Earth, so it's less pollution and more space: a win-win situation for everyone!
Reusing is also a better alternative. Things that can be reused, like plastic and glass bottles, and cardboard boxes and so on and so forth, when reused, can reduce the amount of trash that your family throws out every day. Reducing trash will help keep the landfills emptier, which will mean that there is less pollution.
And then the most important of all: Reducing. Sure, you've heard all this information before. "Three R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Reduce... reuse... recycle... reduce... reuse... recycle"... Even I'm bored of it!
But so what? The reason why people repeat it so many times is because it's so important. It's literally the only steps you can take to help the Earth. Probably, you're not doing enough to help. When you do, people will stop bugging you. You'll feel good too!
NEGATIVE human actions = Climate change = Reef Bleaching.
POSITIVE human actions = Reduced impact of Global Warming = More reefs and lives saved!
Stopping Global Warming will ultimately benefit everyone, especially you yourself. Believe it or not, taking a few steps to reduce your carbon footprint will go a LONG way!
So why not start today? Surely it's not too much trouble to flip a switch off.
If we don't start NOW, it'll be too late.
The Earth is our only home. The coral reefs are precious and unique. There's no way they can come back once they're gone.
When something is lost, it's lost for ever.
EXTINCTION is forever.
So is DEATH.
So what are you gonna do about it?
posted by rachel at
Let's save the Reefs, NOW!
Hi everyone! This is Rachel, from the Green Team 094.
If you click on the different buttons in the Navigation Bar (e.g. 'Why Conserve?', right next to 'Let's Save the Reefs!', which is where you are right now), you can view the different pages and read all about coral reefs.
So how do you conserve the reefs? Well, since Global Warming is one of the major causes of coral bleaching, why not stop global warming and climate change?
Reduce your carbon footprint. Save energy, save money, save lives.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
posted by rachel at
click here please!
The Green Team 094
This is The Green Team 094, a group of 12-year olds, ready to do our part to save the Earth.
Earlier this year, 2008, we joined a competition called "Learn@1ºN", a competition based on
climate change. After the competition, we were motivated to do more to stop global warming, so we started
The Green Team 094 and a blog
Mission: Save the Earth!, where we spread the word about climate change and the increasing danger of global warming.
So you may be wondering, why the name "Green Team
094"? No, it's not because there were teams 1 to 93. We were team 094 in Learn@1ºN, and it's a really special name for us because it was the first time we were working together to stop Global Warming. When we were making our blog,
Mission: Save the Earth!, we thought of the name "The Green Team" for ourselves, and then we realized that 094 just stuck to it. It was a natural thing.
Samantha N: I'm Samantha Rachel N, but I'll stick with my first name unlike Rachel here. I am a person who likes to think a little deeply sometimes, so don't mind my saying that I believe that I have to do something in this life, here.
I hope that that something is to do with saving the Earth, something I'm passionate about. I also hope that more people would listen to what we, children, the future inhabitants and protectors of this planet we call home, would like to say.
I'm normally not really into technology and everything to do with computers, and was clueless about it before Learn@1ºN and making the 'Save The Earth' blog.
But if I can help my home planet with technology, then I'd spend the whole day telling everybody across this planet that I love my home and believe we can do something for Earth.
(and don't mind - I'm the most long-winded amongst The Green Team 094, I believe. If you see a post far too long, it means the others haven't started nagging me to shorten it yet!)
Rachel K: Hiya everyone! I'm Melissa Rachel K, but you can just call me Rachel. I'm an art-drama-and-music-loving, chocolate-obsessed tree-hugger
(look at all the hyphens). I may be the smallest person in the group, but I also have the biggest voice. I guess you could say that I'm sentimental; everything has its value to me: family, friends, special memories, love, especially the Earth, animals, plants, and coral reefs. When I grow up, I'm going to earn money for charity and animal shelters, provide relief for poverty and do public talks all
over the world to spread the word about climate change and teach others to save our only home. I've only got one thing to say to you: If you don't care about the Earth, then that's your problem. But we, as the children of Earth, would actually like to do something, and if you don't want us to fight for our own future, then you're making a big mistake. Please take that to heart, and help us to get the future we deserve. Besides, you got it. Why can't we?
Ankita M: Hi everyone! Yes, my name is Ankita Mukherji. Unlike my two team members, I have no middle name, so no confusion involved. Short and sweet. :D. I am a girl who love the Arts and Saving the Earth. Theatre. Dance. Music. Visual Arts. All these things rock my life. I feel like I've been put on this Earth to help people and play my part for the environment. When I grow up, I want to help poor people by putting up shows and raising money for them. Though part of that money would go to environmental stuff. I also want to help all the animals(Have I mentioned I love animals? All of them. I'm crazy about animals!!!)One thing is for sure: I LOVE FOOD!!! Especially chocolate, ice cream, pasta, pizza, ah forget it! I love all that junk! I hope I'll be able to persuade more people to help the Green Team 094 to save the Earth!
What we've said...
Previous Posts
Note: I know this may be a bit confusing for some people so I'm explaining it carefully.
Due to the nature of navigation blogskins, clicking on an archive link will not bring you immediately to the post. Once you click on a link above, the page will be refreshed, bringing you back to home. Simply click on "Let's Save the Reefs!" on the navigation bar
and you will see the posts. To view other posts, just go back to (click here!) and go to "The Green Team 094" to see the archives or "Let's Save the Reefs!" to just see the other posts. Thanks!
click here please!
Why conserve?
Let's step into an illusion here. Imagine yourself 50 years into the future. The world is empty. The surface is scorched and burnt. Scraps of ash litter the ground. Where there was once water, there are large bodies of rubbish.
All that was left of life is now decomposed and lying in piles of death. Buildings have collapsed to the ground and mangled wrecks of metal that were once cars are now destroyed to no repair. Millions of papers and wood and rubbish litter the surface of the once vibrant, beautiful planet which was bursting with life and hope.
50 years is not that far away. Do you want that to happen?
All this could happen soon, and it would be all our fault. Global Warming is the result of our irresponsible actions. Believe it or not, in one way or another, you have caused death. When you flipped that switch, when you took the car, when you when you threw away that perfectly good, recyclable piece of paper, did you know the consequences? Of course not. But now that you do, will you stop?
Consider what will happen to the Earth if we DON'T stop. What will happen to the polar bears in the arctic? What will happen to the forests all over the world?
What will happen to you?
If you need reasons to conserve, I'll give you this: DEATH.
Yes, we'll die eventually, but we are digging our own graves. Accelerating death. Killing our lovely planet. Our deaths will occur sooner. We will have less time to live.
We've worked so hard to get our planet where it is now. We've developed the world into Paradise. We don't want to lose that. Giving this up without a fight would be illogical and worse, not faithful to the Mother who raised all of us living beings from the smallest living cells.
So if you think this can be left alone, think again.
Reasons, reasons, reasons
Just about everybody knows that we should all work together to save the Earth, save the reefs, stop global warming, etc. (I mean, I'm so sick of hearing that too, even though I know that it's true)
These words have been repeated for such a long time, everybody's gotten sick and tired of hearing them and don't take them seriously enough to heed them.
We're here to help explain things clearly once and for all.
So if you really need a reason why you should save the reefs, pick just one from the list we've provided for you below, focus on that and play your part, so you can steel yourself to do or not do that one little kind, sacrificing act to help save the reefs.
1. When reefs bleach too often, they die. Yes, they do grow back when the pressure that caused them to bleach is taken off them, but it takes a very, very long time and besides, the original coral formations that were an intrinsic part of nature's underwater world is lost forever. It'd never be the same again.
2. There's actually fluorescent protein in some corals, which give off a glow. This fluorescent protein may actually help researchers to find a cure for AIDS and cancer. (And everybody knows what a great help that would be!) Find out more info about this fluorescent protein at:
(this website)
3. Many people will be out of a job if the corals do go completely extinct (touch wood, please don't let that happen!) Corals support the tourism, seafood, and seaside housing industries. Without coral reefs, slowly but surely the world's economy would start to fail.
"Corals are some of the most endangered organisms on the Earth. There are thousands of different kinds of coral, and many are headed for near extinction," said Vincent Pieribone, an associate professor of cellular and molecular physiology and neurobiology at Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut.
So play your part today.
Human Nature
It's part of our nature to take things for granted - unless, of course, any person in question has never experienced anything good before. Anyway, for the average human, in such a high-tech society where everything is made to be done at the touch of a button, everyone's had their share of comfort/luxury, no matter how small.
I've realized that we only begin to notice things we had at first when they're gone - sometimes forever, too. It hurts to know something you'd never cherished is gone forever and then you'll regret that you never got a taste of what it was like.
The same goes for the reefs, under the sea so deep, almost nobody cherishes them and cares for them.
Are you going to wait till the reefs go 'extinct' before you finally realize their beauty and majesty? Yes, you can't put a price on them, yes, you can't sell them. You can't gain anything from looking at them other than that sense of awe at seeing one of Mother Nature's greatest creations.
Reefs are priceless. Save them.
No, not a sci-fi story gone wrong! It actually exists, and the only reason you don't normally notice it is that it's in.. yes, you've guessed it - The Pacific Ocean. It's actually a huge collection of irresponsibly-disposed plastic stuff, otherwise known as Plastic Soup, that makes a death trap for all marine animals.
Because all the plastic garbage we dispose of every day, ends up there and is killing marine life every day. They mistake it for food and eat it. (plastic never biodegrades totally - just keeps getting smaller till it's a speck, and even that can be consumed by animals living under the waves.
Visit: (this website) for more info. The founder of it, David de Rothschild, is an adventurer and ecologist, and his website consists loads of games for kids, though you can play them if you like, even if you're an adult, and learn loads more!
Plastic soup has already been mentioned, but we wanted to post this website too! Don't mind if we nag a little!
click here please!
What you do say?
Please feel free to comment and suggest!
NOTE: Please do not post explicit, vulgar or irrelevant comments. This is a place to tell us and others how you feel about saving coral reefs, not to spam. Thanks!
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"I did NOT kill the reefs!"
Are you sure about that? Are you so sure that you havn't harmed the coral reefs in the slightest way? Well then, think again.
All that rubbish we throw out everyday... All that litter... Don't we ever think twice before harming the environment like that? Do we? Have we ever cared to think that all the wastes we produce go into the ocean, killing the fish and the reefs?
Pollution. Deforestation. Burning of fossil fuels. Greenhouse gases. Amount of Carbon dioxide increasing. All that added together = Global Warming.
So what exactly did Global Warming do?
Human actions (e.g. Deforestation, carbon emissions) → More Greenhouse gases → Greenhouse effect a.k.a. Global Warming → Atmospheric & Ocean temperature rising → Bleached corals → Disaster and DEATH
So as you sit in front of this computer screen, thinking that you need to get out of here, the earth and the corals are dying.
Just because the reefs are not something you notice everyday doesn't mean they don't exist and you should ignore them completely!
When will humans realize that there is more to the Earth than themselves? When will we stop thinking of only ourselves?
"If we don't do something for the Earth, who will? The Aliens?" - Megan Chong
Many things could happen in one minute:
1. A billion people on Earth throw out the trash
2. Carbon dioxide is emitted.
3. Heat is trapped all over the world
4. Sea temperatures rise by 1ºC.
5. Another coral reef dies.
6. Millions of lives are lost.
Many things can happen in a minute. They are happening now as you read. They will keep happening.
The thing is: They can be stopped. But are we really trying to stop them?
Let's face the facts. The reefs are dying. It's not too late to help out, but soon, it might be.
We have to play our part. Think again. Do NOT kill the reefs!
click here please!
What dilemma?
40 years into the past, and you find yourself scuba-diving in the Great Barrier Reef. Vibrant schools of fish surround you, swimming past you in crystal-clear waters. Colourful corals dominate this underwater paradise, and everywhere you look, there's life bursting around you. Now hang on for a moment. Everything seems so perfect, right?
Not for long.
Fast forward 40 years. Feel the water warm up around you. Watch as the algae that once kept the corals alive now move to better life conditions, leaving the corals to die on their own. Because that's the way nature goes. One organism dead is better than two. Watch as the once-so-alive coral reefs communities turn to nothing before your very eyes. See the reefs die one by one, leaving nothing but colourless, brittle rocks.
This could happen. This
IS happening. Coral reefs are bleached just as I am typing this. Just as you are reading this.
Global warming is taking over the world. It's taking away all the beauty of the world. It's causing natural disasters to occur more often. It's killing the wildlife, the nature, the animals, and the homes.
Worse, it's taking away our coral reefs.
Because of global warming, sea temperatures are rising rapidly.
"High seas surface temperature (SSTs) coupled with high irradiance (light intensity), triggers the loss of zooxanthellae, a symbiotic algae, and its dinoflagellate pigmentation in corals causing coral bleaching. Zooxanthellae provide 95% of the energy to the coral host."
-Quoted from Wikipedia
So what's happening to the corals? Exactly what's plaguing every single one of us, now as I speak: Global Warming.
The corals are dying. Please hear their pleas for help, and answer them.
Fishing methods
Some fishermen use fishing methods that destroy the reefs. Trawling (dragging heavy nets across the seabed) is one example. And, to make matters worse, recent trawling nets actually are more advances and can 'hop' over low rocks, so more areas can be trawled.
Trawling is super-destructive, but the damage is normally hidden from view, one of the reasons why many people do not realize the importance of saving the reefs, conserving for them, and basically protecting part of our home.